A programme which focuses on developing the leadership skills of Key Stage 2 children. The programme is a mix of leadership workshops and sports games. Children through this programme become Primary Leaders which enables them to set up and take simple activities (under supervision) to other children.

- What goes on in your kids school playground at break and lunch time?
- Is the playground big enough for everyone to be playing at the same time?
- What equipment do they have to play with?
- Are there any special activities that take place during their lunch time?
- Who is available to organise these activities?
We have put these questions to the test in primary schools and came up with an exciting programme to tackle any of the unanswered questions. Our 'Primary School Leaders' programme is aimed at providing Primary 6 and 7 students with the leadership skills to be able to deliver fun games that they can play at break and lunch time in their playgrounds.
Pitched at a level that is easy to understand, we firstly ask the pupils about what they know about their playground. Then we take them out to the playground and show them how to cone off potential danger areas such as picnic benches, bushes and divots throughout the area that should be included in a risk assessment.
Using limited equipment such as soft balls, cones and bibs, we demonstrate how to set up lot's of short games that they can play amongst themselves and deliver to the younger children in their school. Finally, to develop their self confidence, we get them to create a short 5 minute game in small groups and deliver it to their friends and give them feedback on how they could make the games even better!
Get in touch to hear how we could make your playground a more safe and enjoyable zone at break and lunch time!
Tel: 028 9029 7661 or email info@communitysportsnetwork.org