AMPLIFY is supported by PEACEPLUS, a programme managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB)

We are launching our new PEACEPLUS programme “AMPLIFY” within the Mid Ulster area, and are reaching out to various organisations to spread the word!

The Amplify programme looks to bring young people together between the ages of 16-24 through a 4 year investment by SEUPB, to participate in a Good Relations programme over a minimum period of 26 weeks. The Young people will get the opportunity to engage in various activities to include workshops, trips, residentials, accredited qualifications and part take in various mainstream and non-mainstream sports delivered by ourselves. This will also include monetary incentives which will available once departmental funding is confirmed.

We would appreciate if you could pass this flyer on to any local young people you engage with who might be keen to avail of this opportunity. We would also greatly appreciate if you could share it, or share our Community Sports Network posts over social media to get the word out.

Partnering with:

Charity No. NIC103693